Our Approach

Systematic Innovation: Double Diamond

Popularised by the British Design Council in 2005, the Double Diamond process breaks up the designing of a product into four phases that we call: understand, validate, innovate and execute. This method places equal emphasis on the problem as well as the solution, encouraging more user-centred design.

Here, the design team moves from one phase to the next by alternately diverging and converging ideas and thinking. In the divergent phases, we brainstorm and emphasise creativity. Then we converge viable solutions till we find the right answer to each unique problem.

Systematic Innovation: Double Diamond

Popularised by the British Design Council in 2005, the Double Diamond process breaks up the designing of a product into four phases that we call: understand, validate, innovate and execute. This method places equal emphasis on the problem as well as the solution, encouraging more user-centred design.

Here, the design team moves from one phase to the next by alternately diverging and converging ideas and thinking. In the divergent phases, we brainstorm and emphasise creativity. Then we converge viable solutions till we find the right answer to each unique problem.

Positioning & Timing 

Simon Sinek, author and motivational speaker, famously said, “From order comes progress. From chaos comes innovation.” While chaos would be an apt descriptor for the state of our labs on occasion(!), it is equally true that we innovate with a strong dose of pragmatism.  

We believe that anything we create has to be commercially viable and useful to actual people in the real world. And for this, positioning and timing are key.

Businesses need to position themselves as well as their product(s) with as much precision as a batsman would line up for the perfect cover drive. Taking the cricket analogy further, we understand that timing too can make or break your attempt, so we leverage up and coming technology just as the market is opening up to the possibilities.  

To ensure Esquare can meet these lofty goals, we are a vertically-aligned business, i.e. we take direct ownership of the innovation process, with all our components either sourced in-house or in direct partnership. In this way we control for quality of process as well as product. 

Positioning & Timing 

Simon Sinek, author and motivational speaker, famously said, “From order comes progress. From chaos comes innovation.” While chaos would be an apt descriptor for the state of our labs on occasion(!), it is equally true that we innovate with a strong dose of pragmatism.  

We believe that anything we create has to be commercially viable and useful to actual people in the real world. And for this, positioning and timing are key.

Businesses need to position themselves as well as their product(s) with as much precision as a batsman would line up for the perfect cover drive. Taking the cricket analogy further, we understand that timing too can make or break your attempt, so we leverage up and coming technology just as the market is opening up to the possibilities.  

To ensure Esquare can meet these lofty goals, we are a vertically-aligned business, i.e. we take direct ownership of the innovation process, with all our components either sourced in-house or in direct partnership. In this way we control for quality of process as well as product. 

Human-Centred Design:
Nudge Display 

An innovative approach to designing solutions, Human-Centred Design (HCD) prioritises the needs, preferences, and experiences of people, ensuring that every solution is tailor-made to enhance access, user satisfaction and usability.  

Esquare Innovations practices HCD by simplifying tech. Through empathetic engagement with and detailed research into the requirements of various stakeholders, we develop cost-optimised, user-friendly products, services and systems that are intuitive, accessible and effective.  

Human-Centred Design:
Nudge Display 

An innovative approach to designing solutions, Human-Centred Design (HCD) prioritises the needs, preferences, and experiences of people, ensuring that every solution is tailor-made to enhance access, user satisfaction and usability.  

Esquare Innovations practices HCD by simplifying tech. Through empathetic engagement with and detailed research into the requirements of various stakeholders, we develop cost-optimised, user-friendly products, services and systems that are intuitive, accessible and effective.  

Fail-Fast Concept

Fail-Fast Concept

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